Finding my cents’ – See if you like a theme journal

Expanding myself to fun things, with being semi-retired, along with my family’s help, I have developed a theme journal to give a new form of journal writing.

For as long as I can remember, our family would find all denominations of coins, mostly US, but also Euro’s, to use or in the past few years, collect. Eventually we began to keep them in a small dish that later expanded to a jar I sent home from Pakistan.

Back in the US for just over a year, I also have added to the jar which we just filled to the top.









The whole family has begun to take pictures of these lost cents when we find them to later place the coins in our collection known as the “Grand Pa” jug.




This collection of lost and found cents has become the theme for a journal for you to purchase and look at our finds, phrases, and write your thoughts on our theme or your own thoughts.

Hope you enjoy.

Here’s a link to review and purchase.